It’s the first Monday of 2020: how are your resolutions coming along?
I’m not really one to make New Year’s resolutions, but I do make resolutions/set goals as I think of them. That’s not to say that I’m anti-New Year’s resolution; I totally get the appeal of a fresh start on January 1st.
So today, I’m sharing some New Year’s resolutions resources to help you on your journey to celebrating success on December 31st, 2020.
Resolution Inspiration
Resolutions don’t have to be all that deep, serious, or epic. That’s why I loved these lists:
- 25 Super Tiny Resolution Ideas You Could Actually Keep (Yes and Yes)
- 33 Fun New Year’s Resolutions You Will Actually Want to Make in 2020 (PopSugar)
- On the podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin, Gretchen and her sister/co-host Elizabeth Craft make lists of 20 things they want to do in 2020 (they started with 18 in 2018).
While 18, 25, or 33 things may seem insurmountable when framed as resolutions, what makes these list work is the mix of regular habits with one-time things. For example, “make your bed when you get out of it” is a daily habit, while “get the perfect black purse” is check-off-able as soon as you buy that bag. The trick is finding the right balance for your list, if you choose to make one, so that you’re not overwhelmed.
Habit Change Resources
Two important parts of changing and maintaining a habit–as well as keeping momentum–are planning ahead and tracking your progress. These resources can help you with both:
- In anticipation of New Year’s Day 2017, I wrote a series of posts about habit change for four resolutions. The tips apply to any habit/resolution, really!
- PopSugar published this roundup of 15 (free!) printable goal sheets to track your progress toward a resolution. Pick whichever one works best for your goal/brain/workflow!
- Behavioral designer Samuel Salzer created this printable and digitally editable one-page tool designed to make it easy to build new habits.
What have you resolved to do in 2020 and how are you planning to do it? How are you going to track and celebrate your progress?
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