2020 in review

Hahahahahahahahahahaha: “2020 in review.” In years past, I’ve done a recap of each month of the previous year and touched on the highlights. This year, I’d like to list accomplishments, both big and small, because accomplishing anything in 2020 was a huge win. Back in May, I wrote about starting…

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A Thanksgiving Throwback

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to this upcoming Thanksgiving break, I’m comin’ in hot. So instead of writing something new today, I’m going to re-post something I wrote last Thanksgiving (even though it’s a little outdated). And no, it’s not about being grateful. Happy Thanksgiving and…

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BoJack Wisdom

My husband is going to make fun of me for this post. He had been trying to get me to watch BoJack Horseman since it came out. I resisted…until last week. And then I watched the entire first season. In one of the last episodes, BoJack asks the ghostwriter of…

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Celebrating Successes

It was a wonderful weekend, wasn’t it? I’ve known for quite some time that I don’t celebrate successes enough. It’s one of those things that I encourage others to do, but have trouble heeding my own advice. On Saturday, after getting a text from my sister-in-law that said, “GOODBYE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”…

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Work it.

On Monday, while I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, three different posts from three different people I follow stopped me because they all had the same message. Peloton’s Robin Arzon (@robinnyc) said, “Don’t worry about if your work is being noticed. When your moves are big enough, they’re watching.”…

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Decisions, decisions

I’ve been consuming a lot of content about decision-making lately. From the newsletters I read to the podcasts I listen to, people are talking about the difficulty of making decisions in increasingly uncertain times. I’m no expert decision-maker. I agonize over some decisions all the time (hey, I was raised…

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