Hahahahahahahahahahaha: “2020 in review.” In years past, I’ve done a recap of each month of the previous year and touched on the highlights. This year, I’d like to list accomplishments, both big and small, because accomplishing anything in 2020 was a huge win. Back in May, I wrote about starting…
Lessons from streaking and blogging
I forgot to mention something in my post about a streak last week. It was that some days, hitting 10,000 steps was easy. So easy, I’d get them all in by 10am (or earlier!) and end up somewhere in the 20- or 30-something thousands for the day. Other days, I…
Let’s go streaking!
On November 30th, I hit a 103-day streak of walking at least 10,000 steps a day. (And then my watch charger broke. That doesn’t mean I stopped walking, but I have no idea how many steps I got each day my wrist was naked—and those steps definitely didn’t get recorded.)…
On goals and coffee tables
My husband and I bought a house in the mountains earlier this month. Since this is a second home, we can’t just move all of our existing furniture and other household items into it. Instead, we have to (get to?) buy all new (to us) things to furnish it and…
A Thanksgiving Throwback
I don’t know about you, but when it comes to this upcoming Thanksgiving break, I’m comin’ in hot. So instead of writing something new today, I’m going to re-post something I wrote last Thanksgiving (even though it’s a little outdated). And no, it’s not about being grateful. Happy Thanksgiving and…
BoJack Wisdom
My husband is going to make fun of me for this post. He had been trying to get me to watch BoJack Horseman since it came out. I resisted…until last week. And then I watched the entire first season. In one of the last episodes, BoJack asks the ghostwriter of…
Celebrating Successes
It was a wonderful weekend, wasn’t it? I’ve known for quite some time that I don’t celebrate successes enough. It’s one of those things that I encourage others to do, but have trouble heeding my own advice. On Saturday, after getting a text from my sister-in-law that said, “GOODBYE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”…
If you haven’t already…VOTE TOMORROW
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Work it.
On Monday, while I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, three different posts from three different people I follow stopped me because they all had the same message. Peloton’s Robin Arzon (@robinnyc) said, “Don’t worry about if your work is being noticed. When your moves are big enough, they’re watching.”…
Decisions, decisions
I’ve been consuming a lot of content about decision-making lately. From the newsletters I read to the podcasts I listen to, people are talking about the difficulty of making decisions in increasingly uncertain times. I’m no expert decision-maker. I agonize over some decisions all the time (hey, I was raised…