via GIPHY Here’s yet another COVID-related post for you. My husband and I were having socially-distanced drinks in our friends’ backyard over the weekend, and we were talking about our larger group of friends and all of the things they did together over the summer. Because my husband and I…

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Time without action

It’s clear that people are tired of living this pandemic lifestyle. They’re over the masks, the distancing, the staying at home. And I get it. I’m sick of it, too. But I’m committed to continuing to live this pandemic lifestyle because the situation hasn’t improved. In fact, where I am,…

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I started a new job last week! As I was starting to learn the ropes, and then reflecting on my experience over the weekend, I thought about this blog. I wanted to write about how exhilarating/intimidating/exhausting/difficult it is to learn something new, and share that it’s important to cut ourselves…

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Let’s talk about permission marketing. Again. Back in February (which feels like a lifetime ago), I wrote about a local entrepreneur who sent me three emails a day, hustling their services. Last week, something similar—but decidedly different—happened. I got an email from one of my LinkedIn connections sent via an…

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Important but not urgent

It’s hurricane season for the Atlantic, which means that many areas are turning their attention and their resources to preparation and response efforts. This is important and urgent work. My last post rant about work/life boundaries didn’t mention this, but I wanted to address it this week: while a lot…

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Buy Less 2020 – an update!

At the beginning of the year, I created a clothing spending tracker so that I can monitor my shopping behavior in order to better manage my spending on new clothing. Thanks to a bit of a spending spree in January that I justified because it was my birthday month, I…

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