Clothes horse

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen my January clothing purchase report. Compared to the rousing success of my “no news clothes” policy last year, it was bleak. While I can count the fact that I spent more money on secondhand clothing than I spent on new…

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My word of the year

If you’ve read my blog before, you probably know that I’m a fan of Gretchen Rubin. I’ve read and enjoyed a few of her books, but I particularly like her podcast, Happier, as well as the spin-off, Happier in Hollywood, which is hosted by her sister, Liz Craft, and Liz’s…

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3 reasons to love weather-related small talk

The weather here in Durham, NC has been strange. On January 15th, we hit 70 degrees at noon; as I write this, five days later, it’s 31 degrees out. As you can imagine, it’s a popular subject of conversation. But small talk about the weather has a bad reputation. Every…

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