Last week, a colleague shared that Raleigh-based company, Undercover Colors, recently announced their new product for detecting beverages spiked with certain drugs. From their website, Drug-facilitated sexual assault (commonly known as “date rape”) is a global crime that impacts people of all genders. We spent four years in our lab…
My User Manual
I’ve been working with a fabulous executive coach, Janeen Gingrich, for a few months, and one of the tasks she gave me was to write my leadership philosophy. I did all of the assignments that are supposed to prep you for writing such a manifesto, but I was really struggling…
It does not say "RSVP" on the Statue of Liberty
Yesterday (Independence Day 2018), my husband and I traveled from Durham, NC to the ICE detention center in Farmville, VA to participate in an organized protest…but no one else was there to protest and we couldn’t get into the facility to visit detainees. According to a July 3 article from the…
Saying "nope" to OPE
via GIPHY No, this isn’t a plug for the DARE program. OPE stands for Other People’s Emergencies. And it’s time we talk about saying “no” to them. A couple months ago, I was hit with a deluge of emails asking–and in one case demanding–I take immediate action on something, or…
I spent 90 minutes in a sensory-deprivation tank
My husband’s company was having a big meeting in Nashville, TN. It was right on the heels of an extra busy time at work for me, so we booked an extra ticket and I joined him for a mini-vacation (for me). Since I had the days to myself, I did…
On not having an a-ha moment
I went to a leadership forum last week. It was good! But I had some beef with it. (And I mean more than a certain former NC governor being there as a participant with a name tag that read “John Locke.” Barf.) Almost every speaker told a story about the…
The case for sandwich-tasking
Have you ever clicked on Word or Excel or some other program that you need to work in, only to discover that it’s already open because you were working in it an hour or so ago and then got distracted and abandoned that task, your spreadsheet getting buried under all…
My Public Healthiversary
I’ve been meaning to post at some point this fall to celebrate a decade in public health. I figured today–December 1st, or Worlds AIDS Day–is the perfect day to do it, since HIV/AIDS education is what sparked my interest in public health in the first place. When I was a…
Room for Improvement
One of the many things I love about where I work is that there really is a demonstrated emphasis on work/life balance and self care. Case in point: 4th of July week. In honor of our organizational birthday, summertime, the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of another,…
Succeeding Through Giving Up
I needed this today. Maybe you do, too: 13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful (by Zdravko Cvijetic via Medium) Some of my favorites: 8. Give Up Multi-tasking “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” ― Winston S….