January Cure 2017: not my fight

Last weekend, I had big plans to write another recap about the January Cure. This weekend, same thing. But. The events after Inauguration Day, particularly the Women’s March and deluge of harmful executive orders, have made both doing and blogging about tidying up my house seem silly. I did some…

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Retreat Reflection (and an activity!)

My organization had its third staff retreat last week, and I think it was a success! The first one (in January 2015) was about getting to know each other and individual projects that contributed to the larger vision. We learned some training content, wrote professional bios for each other, and…

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January Cure 2017: Week 1

Remember when I said I was going to do Apartment Therapy’s January Cure? I’m doing it! Are you? If so, we made it through Week 1! Here’s the recap: Assignment #1: Pick one drawer–any drawer–and clean it out. I selected the top drawer of a dresser in my office that…

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New Year's Resolutions for 2017: Habit How-To

Welcome to the final installment of my New Year’s Resolutions for 2017 series! You’ve probably caught on that while a lot of my resources are resolution-specific, that’s not necessarily the point of this series. I’m not a fitness guru, a professional organizer, always at the peak of awareness, and without…

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New Year’s Resolutions for 2017: Get Woke

The time is now and the first thing you can do is try. Let’s start with a definition, and this Bustle article is a very good place to start. To get a little deeper, check out Charles Pulliam-Moore’s article. Both call-out the Urban Dictionary definition of “woke” as being aware, and…

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New Year’s Resolutions for 2017: A Series

Hi, readers! And happy almost New Year! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not that into New Year’s resolutions. But if you are, great! I’ve been thinking about my successes in habit-forming, and figured it couldn’t hurt to share my tricks. And what better timing than at the start of a…

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A rough week (have hope)

This week: A loved one was rushed to the ICU. (He’s stable now.) My husband and I were hit by a drunk driver. (We’re fine.) Our country elected a racist/misogynist/bigot/narcissist/sexual predator/tax evader without any political experience to the most powerful position in the world. (We shall overcome.)

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