I’m a little bit of a perfectionist. I mean, I would prefer things to be perfect, but over the years, I’ve learned to be happy with pretty darn good. Take my Halloween costumes. Each year around July or August, I come up with a fan-freaking-tastic costume idea. Part of what…
Wanna ride bikes?!
Sometimes I forget how intimidating it is to be new at something. I rode my bike a lot when I was a kid, but I never really learned to take care of it (beyond aesthetic upgrades like spoke beads and a personalized mini license plate). I’ve ridden as an adult, too,…
The Power of a Bad Man
I’ve been having a lot of feelings lately. Feelings of being completely overwhelmed by this election, and more than that, feelings of being completely overwhelmed by the mess we’re in because of ignorance, hatred, fear, prejudice, and power. On Sunday, a childhood friend of mine beautifully articulated these feelings in…
Inbox tabs are the devil (maybe)
I’m comin’ atcha after catching up on over a month of Seth Godin’s blog posts (emailed to me daily), and simply deleting a backlog of Google Alerts and other third-party-generated notifications. How did I let it come to this? Inbox tabs, that’s how. I have personal and work Gmail accounts, and…
Things to do this weekend (for people who are bad at relaxing)
I don’t like to wish my days away, but I have been LIVING for this holiday weekend! This summer has been absolutely bananas, on both the work and home fronts, and I am so excited for a few days without anything on the schedule. Sure, my personal to-do list is exploding, but…
Rituals and Cycles
“Your inbox is overflowing. You’re paralyzed because you have too much to do but don’t know where to start. Your to-do list never seems to get any shorter. You leave work exhausted but have little to show for it.” That’s the copy on the back cover of the “Harvard Business…
What Can I Do Now?
Augh. The events of last week (and the week before, and the week before that…) have left me feeling lots of words that end with “less,” like speechless, helpless, and sleepless, while at the same time making me feel hopeful, mindful, and purposeful. I’m sure a lot of folks out there…
Tray Bien
This is a silly little kitchen hack, but it’s really changed my morning routine game. Almost every morning, I make a breakfast sandwich. I put my bread in the toaster, and then I get some mix of the following ingredients out of the refrigerator: eggs salmon cream cheese onion cucumber…
Patients on Strike
Two posts in one day? I couldn’t help it. Because this Vox First Person essay… Unpaid, stressed, and confused: patients are the health care system’s free labor …is my life right now. I’ve been dying to write a follow-up to A Big Deal (but not a good one), my post…
Reblog: No, it’s not you: why ‘wellness’ isn’t the answer to overwork
This article from The Conversation came across my Facebook feed today and I thought it was important to share. Here’s an excerpt: Despite the endless column inches devoted to how we can find balance in our busy working lives, the solution here isn’t personal, it’s political. Those of us working…