L-A-T-E: why you disrespectin' me?

When I was an orientation leader in college (NERD ALERT!) it was drilled into us that “early is on time; on time is late; and late is unacceptable.” It seemed cruel–especially when we had to report for duty at some ungodly hour (on weekends. in the SUMMER.)–but it also made complete…

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Fit to Print

I promised I’d share my article when it was up. Man, for as long as it takes for a paper to get accepted, they sure do throw it into a journal quickly! It’s available online now, and will be printed in Volume 59 of the Journal of Biomedical Informatics in…

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6 Things Organized People Do

This article on Apartment Therapy just popped into my inbox and as a pretty darn organized person, I thought I’d share the wisdom. FYI: If I could just reblog this list from their site, I would, because it is straight-up copy and pasted. Enjoy. 1. Automate Use tools that do your…

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Happy new year? Yes please.

To start 2016, I thought I’d share some wise words from Amy Poehler. Here’s a tiny excerpt from her book, Yes Please, which I’m reading (and loving) now (emphases my own): It’s called Yes Please because it is the constant struggle often the right answer. Can we figure out what…

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Try Again…and Succeed

Remember when I wrote about the journal article that no one would publish but just wouldn’t die? (“Yes, because it was the last thing you blogged about,” and “No, because you never blog and I forgot about you,” are both acceptable answers.) Well, just last night, I received notice that…

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Try Again

Before I left my last job, I wrote a paper on ways to track and measure engagement within a field trial of an internet-based health behavior intervention. I dedicated a lot of time to the paper and submitted it to a journal that ultimately rejected it. I tried maybe one…

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Stay hungry.

If you’ve ever had a great idea, drop everything and read Lara Merriken’s story of the birth and success of LĂ„RABAR. Enjoy!

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Stay hungry.

Good Customer Service (+/- Good)

The other day, a friend of mine was raving about this wine club service she recently signed up for. Wine delivered straight to your door is probably worthy of praise on its own, but, as my friend reported, this service goes above and beyond in the customer service arena. For…

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Good Customer Service (+/- Good)