Before the pandemic started, I embarked on a creative endeavor that I called “Enrichment.” According to the section dedicated to it on my website, “Enrichment is a project that seeks to introduce curious Bull City adults to new and exciting things–and each other–through hands-on classes. Topics range from the wacky…
Clear as mud
Every Friday at work, we have an all-team meeting, or “huddle.” These huddles always end with shout-outs, which is a wonderful way to publicly recognize, praise, and/or thank our colleagues. (This has always been really important to me—when I was at Counter Tools, I implemented a peer-to-peer recognition program called Daps.) Last…
Ear ye, ear ye!
Last September, I took a day trip to Topsail Beach, NC. A friend of mine had come down from Philly and rented a house right on the beach for the week and I took a Friday off to hang out and catch some rays and waves. It was a glorious…
Halloween Movies 2022
Halloween is 10 DAYS AWAY! Every October, Richie and I commit to watching as many scary movies as possible. We still have a lot of time, but I figured I’d share what we’ve watched so far in case you need some inspiration. As you’ll see, we use the term “scary movies”…
Meditation by Numbers
I really enjoy painting by numbers. It seems silly for someone with a decent amount of artistic ability (if I do say so myself), but I like them because they require me to make few to no decisions. First of all, they tell you what to paint. When you buy…
Check and check
Years ago—maybe in 2015 or so—I realized that I had lost my birth certificate and social security card. Thinking back, I am confident that I lost them during one of my many moves in and around Philadelphia in 2009 or 2010. Of all the things I’ve lost in my life, those…
Taking a page from Mindy Kaling
One of the things I find most challenging about picking up a new book is getting used to the narrator. It can take me a while to get accustomed to their diction and rhythm. I just finished Hyperion by Dan Simmons and while I really enjoyed the book, it was…
Sounding off on “Quiet Quitting”
Okay, so I feel like I have to weigh in on this “quiet quitting” trend (now that it’s probably stale). For the uninitiated, quiet quitting is choosing to fulfill your job duties during your working hours, and nothing more. You’re not actually quitting your job; you’re quitting “the idea of…
Please forgive these sports analogies
I’ve only had one job with quarterly sales goals and commissions tied to those sales. I’m not motivated by commission, but I am very competitive—especially with myself and the clock—so as a quarter’s end came into view, it was easy to apply some pressure to close those deals. And at…
Facebook freedom isn’t free
When I posted about leaving Facebook a while back, I alluded to some challenges associated with my decision, and I want to share them in case you’re considering leaving the platform, too. Before I dive in, though, I want to emphasize how happy I am with my decision to leave…