When I was in college, my work-study job was at the auditorium’s box office. I worked there most days before, after, and in between my classes, and I was able to earn some extra money as an usher during performances (and get paid to see some great shows!). Working at the…
Columbine, jury duty, and gun control
Do you remember where you were on April 20, 1999, when the Columbine HS shooting happened? I was in 8th grade, and I remember being told to sit down on the wrestling mats in gym class while my teacher explained what happened. It was sad and scary. We had had…
Back to basics
Technology can obviously be leveraged to do great things. It’s basically what I’ve been doing for the last 10 years: developing online communities for folks to connect (healthMpowerment, Bull City Beer Runners); empowering public health practitioners and citizens to collect data on their local tobacco retailers in order to pass policies that…
This blog post contains explicit content. It will probably surprise no one that I have flirted with the idea of starting a podcast. I even completed Seth Godin’s Podcast Fellowship (now called The Podcasting Workshop) back in 2018 as a way to jump-start my new career (or at least passion…
I oughta be in pictures
When I was young, I wanted to be a movie star when I grew up (or sooner), among many other things—from a writer for The Daily Show to a food stylist—but the movie star dream was persistent. I don’t think many of us think much about why we wanted to be what we wanted…
Make your life a little easier
The other day, when I was decanting my mouthwash, I squeezed too hard on the bottle and spilled lots of it all over my bathroom counter. I was annoyed I was so careless and wasted so much of that blue-green elixir, but I was even more annoyed that I had…
What would Dwayne Johnson do?
I think about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson a lot. Often, it’s because I’m thinking about how much I love the 2017 movie Baywatch (trust me, it’s excellent). But usually, I’m thinking about him as a professional. It seems like everything DJ touches turns to gold. His tequila brand, Teremana, sold over 600,000…
Get out of your head and on the road
As I’m sure you’ve picked up on by now, I’m a bit of a runner. No—I am a runner. I don’t know why identifying as a runner is so hard for some of us. Some of the people I know who struggle with it have all sorts of reasons they…
Walking the walk
Well, friends, it finally happened. After 453 consecutive days of getting at least 10,000 steps a day, I broke my streak. On Monday, I woke up with some sort of bug that knocked me on my ass. I probably got a total of 17 steps in, accrued over the handful…
Spread the word…and the butter
As you might know, I usually write about things like productivity and time management; personal and professional growth; and (usually terrible) customer service. Something else I’m passionate about is health and fitness in general (okay, you may have guessed that), and specifically, health at every size; anti-diet culture; and combating…