Shortcuts and inner piece

Durham has had a series of very cold, and in some cases snowy, weekends, which has meant I’ve had a lot of time for one of my favorite indoor hobbies: puzzles! A few weeks ago, I opened up a box and noticed that a lot of pieces were still stuck…

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Birthday OOO

I celebrated my birthday on Friday (it was lovely, thank you). I worked in the morning then took the afternoon off and went hiking. When my birthday falls on a weekday, I never take the day off. I always felt like taking your birthday off was a newish trend for…

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The CDC recommends you don’t hold your breath

A couple weeks ago, I received an email from the CDC Foundation letting me know that I did not get a job I interviewed for. I really appreciated them closing the loop, but the timing was odd: I interviewed for that job in June 2020. That’s right: one year and…

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2021 In Review

It’s time for another Year in Review post. And, like last year, I want to acknowledge even small accomplishments because it was a hard year; in some ways, harder than 2020 because of the broken record-esque situation we’ve found ourselves in. But looking back, there’s a lot that I’m proud of,…

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A Christmas COVID Exposure Story

I’m interrupting my winter break from blogging to share a bit about an unexpected, unwanted Christmas gift I received: news a COVID exposure, and what happened next. Wednesday morning (12/22): Attempted to buy at-home COVID tests from the grocery store pharmacy, but they were out. They told me they get…

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The 4 Deadly Sins of Interviews

Today, I want to talk about interviews and how they should change. Not all of them, of course; some organizations are incredibly mindful about their interview process and that is very appreciated. But if your company is guilty of any of these interviewing sins, I encourage you to confess and…

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