What have you taught yourself to do? Really on your own—no instruction, no classes. Maybe it was something big like how to play the piano or ride a bike, or something small like how to do a VLOOKUP in Excel (small but mighty!). That question came to me the other…
Maxxed out
I used to be a Maxxinista, but until last weekend, I couldn’t tell you the last time I set foot inside a TJ Maxx. But last week, we had some neighbors over for a doggy playdate and drinks (for the humans), and they were talking about a recent shopping trip…
Do you wear your politics on your thigh?
Perhaps a timely follow-up to my last post about originality in a market that seems saturated, last week, my LinkedIn newsletter included the latest Axios-Harris Poll on most reputable companies. According to John Gerzema, CEO of The Harris Poll: “In the case of both Patagonia and Chick-fil-A, Americans praise them…
On peanut butter & originality
This post is a rant and a pep talk. First, the rant. I have repeatedly purchased the wrong peanut butter at the grocery store. I keep accidentally buying Jif Natural Crunchy instead of Jif Natural Creamy and it is infuriating. (I’m not here to debate whether creamy is better than…
This or that
Last week, during a mini mastermind session with my friend Christa, I was sharing about a challenge I was dealing with. While I was describing it, I added, “I’m casual, but I’m not lax.” Christa stopped me and said, “Oooh, that’s such an important distinction to make!” And we moved…
“I win!”
Celebrating your own successes is incredibly important. Doing it keeps you motivated and helps you “live in the now” instead of just moving on to the next thing. And it infuses some fun and whimsy into the day-to-day. It’s all about sustainability. Also: I’m terrible at it. This year has…
Prioritizing wellness now & later
Let’s talk about work/life balance (again), shall we? Something I’ve noticed over the past few weeks, as more people are eligible to get a COVID vaccine and appointments have become more available, is that people are prioritizing getting vaccinated. (Granted: I have mostly people who are enthusiastic—desperate, even—about getting vaccinated…
Supporting Black-owned businesses again/still/always
Back in June 2020 (you know, a decade ago and also yesterday?)—a few days after Blackout Tuesday—Durham entrepreneur Justin Minott posted a video on Instagram with a PSA about supporting black businesses that really hit the nail on the head. You can watch it at the link above, but I…
Applying Newton’s Laws of Motion to my workday
Physics was one of the hardest class I’ve ever taken (along with graduate-level health economics and statistics, as well as 6th grade as a whole). Taking it as a high school sophomore also seemed premature; then again, I went to what my husband calls “astronaut school,” which was basically a…
We’re human beings, not human doings
Processes, not people, are to blame for most mistakes. It’s something I learned when in healthcare management classes, and it’s something that I’ve seen over and over again in the workplace (mostly outside of healthcare). Just the other day, a colleague of mine found a mistake that affected about a…